Thoughts on Research Life

quaerere scientiam apparatus ut computet (or QSAC in short) is Sriram P C's blog on life as a Ph.d candidate. I haven't been able to update this blog for a while, now.

More information about this blog, its kith (blogroll, bookmarks, etc.), and a complete archive of past posts, are available via links at the top of the page.

A feed of the most recent posts is also available. Feed icon

Following is a list of recent posts:

A visualization of sex ratio data of districts in Tamil Nadu using R statistical language with maptools and ggpolt2.

Vector drawing using the good parts of JavaScript

Grades : Oven and Freezer.

What I learned from my Ph.D seminar ?

Observations on my problem solving failures.

Few observations on my favorite teacher AGR

R academic ggplot2 intro problem solving programming seminar statistics teaching tutorial visualization